Image: Soyeon Choi (PhD student, Dept. of Genetics): - Awarded a Plant Center - Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (PC-DDIG) grant (Jan. 2021) Hallie Wright (PhD student, IPBGG): - Named a 'Future Leader in Science' by the Crop Science Society of America (Feb 2021) - Top 10 placement and 'Joy of Life' scholarship; Best platform for Agricultural Literacy Outreach at Miss Indiana (2021) - Selected as a 2021 SEED (Scientists Engaging and Educating Decision-makers) Ambassador through the tri-societies (September 2021) Shreena Pradhan (PhD student, IPBGG): - Selected as a 2021-2024 FFAR (Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research) Fellow (April 2021) - Passed candidacy exams (December 2021) - Second place in PhD students category for poster presentation at the Plant Center Retreat (December 2021) Personnel Changes: - Winnie Gimode (Post-doctoral Research Associate) left us in September 2021 to return to her home country (Kenya). We wish her all the best! - We welcomed three new members to the DevosLab: Gurjot Sidhu (Research Technician; July 2021), Charlotte Greene (Research Technician; August 2021), and Jianxin Zhao (Post-doctoral Research Associate; September 2021). Publications: - Six publications by Devos Lab members (see publication list)