Image: Thomas Gottilla (MSc student, IPBGG): - Successfully defended his thesis and graduated in December 2020 Soyeon Choi (PhD student, Dept. of Genetics): - Received the Robin Hightower Award for Innovative Research (Dept. of Genetics) (April 2020) Hallie Wright (PhD student, IPBGG): - Second place in NAPB 3-minute thesis competition (March 2020) - Passed candidacy exams (July 2020) - First place in PhD students/Post-docs category for poster presentations at IPBGG retreat (July 2020) - Received the Roger and Cindy Boerma Plant Breeding Excellence Scholarship Award (November 2020) John Spiekerman (Post-doc): - Published his findings that leaf papillae sequester sodium in seashore paspalum, a halophytic turfgrass Katrien M. Devos (PI) - Named UGA Distinguished Research Professor (May 2020) The Devos Lab Team: - Released a high quality finger millet genome assembly - Six publications by Devos Lab members - Was awarded DOE funding to conduct research on the "Systems analysis of the beneficial associations of sorghum with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi studied with genetics, genomics, imaging and microbiomics" (PI: JL Bennetzen)